
Women’s Surf Network

We exist to showcase women who surf; to hear their stories and celebrate their achievements.

Women have been a part of surfing since the very beginning, however, the male-dominated culture infused with core-surfing throughout the decades largely relegated women to the sidelines and hyper-sexualized imagery. We want to reclaim that history and lay the groundwork for the present and future of surf culture.

We are experiencing a resurgence and deeper appreciation for the incredible talent across many disciplines of women's surfing. From big wave to longboard, from juniors and free-surfers, to the QS and CT, women are dominating in the ocean.

There are endless stories from every corner of the globe that deserve to be heard and history crying out be told and re-told, both in competition and beyond.

Meet the women behind the name…

  • Rachael Tilly

    Rachael set her name in surf history in 2015 when she won the WSL World Longboard Title, holding the record of surfing’s youngest ever World Champion. Backing it up in 2025 with her second World Title, she is still competing professionally on the Longboard Tour, as well as serving as the women's surfer’s representative for the WSL Longboard Tour.

  • Shannon Hughes

    A commentator with wide-ranging experience, Shannon has been involved in multiple roles within surfing and brings her extensive knowledge to the podcast. Growing up in a classic Southern California beach family, Shannon has been a surfer almost from birth. While the majority of her current work comes from shortboarding, longboarding is her true love.